On Saturday, Aug 30, 2003, at 18:50 US/Pacific, S. Isaac Dealey wrote:
> Well afaik cfproperty models (to some extent) the way
> properties are declared in other OO languages like Java --

Nope, not really. Unless you are writing a Web Service and using 
cfproperty for additional validation of returned component instances, 
cfproperty does nothing beyond creating metadata. It has no relation to 
instance data and the default= attribute does not have an impact 
whatsoever on the values of that instance data.

My advice: don't use cfproperty.

> it'd be nice to get the
> expected functionality from the tag

The problem is that your expectations are incorrect.

        <cfproperty name="foo" type="numeric"/>
        <cfset this.foo = "I am not numeric" />

That's perfectly valid CFML - by design.

Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/blog/

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