On Sunday, Sep 14, 2003, at 05:08 US/Pacific, Peter Tilbrook wrote:
> MX 6.0 had a setting in one of the configuration XML files to disable 
> the
> caching of the generated java class files so that CF would generate 
> each
> page request afresh.

The setting you refer to caused CF to save .java *source* files, not 
class files. That setting is irrelevant for CFMX 6.1. CFMX 6.0 *always* 
generated .class files. CFMX 6.1 has a CF Admin setting that controls 
whether or not to save .class files (its normal compile process is CFML 
-> bytecode in-memory; the optional setting causes the bytecode to be 
written to disk so it can be read in after the next server restart to 
avoid recompilation).

Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/blog/

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
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