On Monday, Sep 15, 2003, at 13:12 US/Pacific, Ryan Stille wrote:
> I remember hearing somewhere that CFMX searched scopes differently, 
> like maybe it wouldn't search scopes at all anymore, you always had to 
> use Form.name instead of just using 'name' and letting it find it in 
> the Form scope (I know it's best pratice to scope anyway).
> Is there any truth to this or am I just making it up?  Anyone have a 
> URL that states this?  I searched but couldn't find anything.

You're hallucinating. CFMX should behave just like CF5 in respect to 
scope lookup (except, possibly, in some weird corner cases).

However, it is certainly better practice to always use scope qualifiers 
when referring to variables...

Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/blog/

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