> We are migrating from CF5 to CFMX 6.1 J2EE on Windows 2000 Advanced
> We have Oracle 8 data sources. What's everyone's experience with JDBC
> drivers for Oracle? Go with the ones supplied with CFMX? Use Oracle's?
> depends? Warnings, comments, suggestions? Thanks!

Not sure if what follows is of any use to you or not as you're using
J2EE, but fwiw....

I installed the 6.1 update on a Windows XP development box that was
running CF Developer Edition. It queries our Oracle 9.1 database via an
ODBC socket (I don't use native drivers as the production server is only
running Professional, so wanted the same setup locally as is on the
production server).

Having installed the update, I found that queries that retrieve several
fields, one of which is a long, throw the following error 50% of the
time when they're run:

Error Executing Database Query.  
[Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver]Network problem, session aborted due
to internal error in remote procedure call, connection closed.

If you paste the same SQL into another SQL client, it retrieves the data
fine. And I'm pretty sure it's not due to wobbly data because the exact
same error is thrown on two different queries on two different tables,
both of which contain a long.

I thought I'd found a workaround by checking the "Force Retrieval of
Longs" box in the ODBC settings, but it doesn't seem to work past a
reboot. The only other workaround I've found is to retrieve the long in
a separate query.

Oh, and it was working find with 6.0 Updater 3 on the dev box, too,
prior to the CFMX6.1 update.

Annoying, but, hey....

Aidan Whitehall <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Macromedia ColdFusion Developer
Fairbanks Environmental Ltd  +44 (0)1695 51775
Queen's Awards Winner 2003 <http://www.fairbanks.co.uk/go/awards>

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