On Monday, October 20, 2003, at 11:23  AM, Michael Hodgdon wrote:

> I was hoping I could get some help on the list.  Sort of at a loss for
> this
> one.  I am aware there are know issues with the MAC and IE doing for
> uploads.  I have two upload boxes on a page.  The first is required
> and the
> second is optional.  If a user selects both upload options, my code
> runs
> through fine.  However, because of the temp file issue with MACS, if
> the
> user does not select a file for the second option, code errors out
> because
> it tries an upload.
> Has anybody had this issue before?  Do you know a way around it?

I always do this for each file being uploaded:

<cfset uploadFailed = false/>
<cfset uploadFailed = true/>

Basically, instead of erroring out it will set an "uploadFailed"
boolean, which I then can use to programmatically deal with scenarios.
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