Tom wrote:
>So far I am learning what works and what doesn't work
>with our MS SQL server using trail and error.

Been there and done that.  For what its worth, here's the result of my
trial and error:  they'll work on Oracle, SQL Server, mySQL and Access
with the exceptions noted below.

cf_sql_varchar - all normal text types

cf_sql_longvarchar - all 'long' text fields.  memo, clob etc.

cf_sql_numeric - all numeric types.  Does not accept decimal values on
SQL Server, for sure and maybe others

cf_sql_decimal - See above.

cf_sql_timestamp - date+time fields.  No Access date/time format works
with any cfsqltype as far as I've been able to tell.

I'd love to hear a fix for the Access date bit, as well as more
documentation, anecdotal or otherwise.

Matt Robertson       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MSB Designs, Inc.

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