Hi All,

I have a weird problem occuring with an email send out using CFMail 6.1 from
a SQL2000 db.  Seems that SOME recipients of the message get a blank/empty
message body (subject line, to and from fields are OK).  We've done some
checking and it doesn't seem to be email client specific (for example, I've
tested on Outlook 2002 and 2003 and AOL 9 with no problem, but we have
others using Netscape 7.1, Outlook 98-2000, et al receiving blank messages).

My thought is that there may be a problem with the charset encoding or with
the syntax of cfsavecontent.

Here's the process of what happens:

1) On the application.cfm page for the Admin area

<!--- URL and FORM encoding --->
<cfset setEncoding("FORM", "ISO-8859-1")>
<cfset setEncoding("URL", "ISO-8859-1")>
<!--- output encoding --->
<cfcontent type="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">

2) Message data from form field (enctype=multipart/form) insered to

3) Query retrieves data from SQL 2000, in particular the
"qMailMessage.txtMessage" is the body of the message.

4) Message composition

<cfsavecontent variable="VARIABLES.textCopy">
<cfif qMailMessage.unsubscribeLinkID NEQ
1>#Replace(qMailMessage.unsubscribeLinkText, Chr(10), "#lf#",
<cfif qMailMessage.signatureLineID NEQ
1>#Replace(qMailMessage.signatureLineText, Chr(10), "#lf#", "ALL")#</cfif>

5) Message sendout

<!--- Send out to the subscribers --->
<cfmail from="#VARIABLES.mailFrom# <#VARIABLES.mailFromEmail#>"
to="#firstname# #lastname# <#emailaddress#>"
<cfmailpart type="text">#VARIABLES.textCopy#</cfmailpart>
<cfmailparam name="Reply-To" value="#VARIABLES.mailFrom#
<cfmailparam name="Message-ID"
value="<#CreateUUID()[EMAIL PROTECTED]>">


Thanks, Mark

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