Upgrade to CF 5, or don't use CFMAIL -- really.  There are many flakey
things about CFMAIL  on CF 4.5.  The worst one I know of will make your
server crash on restart until the offending email file is removed from the
spool folder.

Sometimes it will just stop sending out any email.  I once found our server
hadn't sent any email out for two weeks. We watch it more closely now.

If you use CFMAIL under CF 4.5 you MUST babysit it.  I know from experience,
I babysit quite a few sites.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ruslan Sivak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2003 8:40 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFMAIL acting funny on CF 4.5

We're running CF4.5 (latest service pack as far as I can tell) and we keep
having a weird problem.  If one of our pages generates a CFMail that has a
blank to address, for some reason ColdFusion generates many copies of that
mail (50K+).

Has anyone come across this and knows how to fix it?


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