Hey everyone,

With CFCONTENT, my downloads are getting renamed?

I've got a form submit (for a EULA) that goes to a page that uses CFCONTENT.

1. The user chooses the file from a list of links (filename is passed to the next page)

2. This page is the EULA form that has a hidden field for the filename.

3. Form submit button goes to a page that uses CFCONTENT to begin the download.

Funny thing is, the process successfully carries the proper filename to the end, and the file dows download fine, but the name of the file gets changed to the name of the form action page.

<form action=""

My files downloaded are all named coursematerials1.zip

I'm using a zip file type:

<cfcontent type="application/x-zip-compressed"
file="c:\protected\#form.filename#" >

Anyone have any ideas why my downloads are getting renamed?
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