It all depends on the version of your server(s) and your network
configuration and what you need to do.  Normally anymore, ports in & out of
your system are opened and closed at the firewall(s), but depending on your
equipment, layout, & needs there are other places and methods that need to
be checked as well.  If you're attaching to a VPN, it gets even more murky.

If you've stood up your own stand alone server--again depending on
version--without a firewall, there's a very good chance that your machine
installed with all or nearly all of the most common ports open.  In this
case, the place to start would be in IIS.

If I remember correctly, when you install CF Server it configures the web
server ports automatically. If you're working in a shop with a LAN
administrator, now's the time to be chatting him up about what you need.  If
you need firewall or router ports cracked open, you'll need the LAN
administrator, Security administrator, or Router administrator's help.
Perhaps, all three.  

Can't really be anymore specific, I'm afraid.  It's a very individualized
and complicated subject.


-----Original Message-----
From: Lee Ramsey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 18 November, 2003 16:28
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: Unblocking Ports

Hi All,
I was just reading this article on Macromedia's site:,
and this may be a stupid question but how do I unblock ports on my
Windows server?


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