>  I have a query that currently looks like:
> <CFQUERY name="clicks_per_product_market_display" datasource="#
> Data_Source #">
> select *
> from email_results, email_blast
> Where email_results.emres_blast_sent_id = #URL.BLAST# AND
> email_results.emres_prod_catagory = '#get_cat_info.Category#' AND
> email_blas_id = emres_blast_email_id
> Group By email_blast.embl_email
> ORDER BY email_blast.embl_companyname
> I always get an error that the other fields aren't contained in an
> aggregate function. How can I get this query to Group By just the
> embl_email field? I used the group property in my cfoutput which
> does group all the emails but I need to get a count on the unique
> emails that clicked through and not every email.

Just list the other selected fields after email_blast.embl_email. You should
get the aggregation you want that way.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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