Seems to be a little confusion of terms.

Sandy is definitely correct that CFMX does not support dynamic data sources
in the most common use of the term as people use "dynamic data source" to
refer to the ability to connect to a database without creating a coldfusion
datasource to it.  The ability to dynamically create a datasource on the fly
does not mean you have "dynamic datasource" capability in cfmx.

However, in most cases when using CF5 style dynamic datasource code we're
connecting to a Jet based datasource and in those cases it's trivial to use
a proxy database and send the connection string to Jet in the from clause.

<cfquery name="q" datasource="proxy">
select *
from "connection string to database".table

In this case we need a datasource called "proxy" pointing to a Access
database but we never actually hit the database, Jet redirects the query.




-----Original Message-----
From: Chunshen (Don) Li [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 9:36 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re:Adding remote datasource dynamically

Hmm, I would beg to differ.  I assumed that the datasource data of a given
CFMX installation is stored as an XML file and the CFMX engine and/or the
CFMX Admin tool would look for it.  So, if this assumption is correct and
the knowledge that CFMX for Windows does not use Window's registry for
datasource is valid, then, one would be able to add/edit/remove datasource
with this particular XML file (of course verification etc. would also be
involved), else, I would find it hard to believe.

Don Li

>CFMX does not support dynamic dsn's.  That functionality is only available
>in CF5.
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