Did you get this working? From the looks of your code, you're never calling
the function, just declaring it. You need to invoke the function to get it
to work:


// Include the Required NetService class files
#include "NetServices.as"

// Connect to the Flash Remoting service
// Make the Gateway connection
gatewayConnnection = NetServices.createGatewayConnection();
// path relative to webroot
svc = gatewayConnnection.getService("cfc.sendmail", this);

function insertIt() {

// invoke the function


From: Ryan Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 3:02 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: flash remoting help


I'm playing with flash remoting to a cfc for the first time, and having a
few difficulties trying to get it all working...

Its on a shared hosting server, so within the flash I'm accessing the server
as follows (the coldfusion server runs on port 27000 so I'm assuming thatıs
the port for flash remoting!)

// Include the Required NetService class files
#include "NetServices.as"
// Connect to the Flash Remoting service
// Make the Gateway connection
gatewayConnnection = NetServices.createGatewayConnection();
// path relative to webroot
svc = gatewayConnnection.getService("cfc.sendmail", this);

function insertIt() {


The file sendmail.cfc im trying to access is found in a folder cfc within
the webroot... So is cfc.sendmail the right path to put in?

The sendmail.cfc file itself is very simple...

    <cffunction name="sendMail" access="remote" returntype="boolean">
        <!--- validate and insert --->
        <cfmail to="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" subject="blah" from="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
        test email
        <cfreturn true>

Flash *seems* to connect to the server, but it just doesnıt seem to send the
email!! Any help gratefully received...

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