Is the browser tools/internet options/temporary internet files/settings
radio set to every visit to the page?

-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan F. Hogan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 10:48 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Changes not being reflected.

Have any of you run across a scenario where changes are not being
reflected? What I have is a page that allows uploads. On the action page
I'm using CFFILE to upload it. And as I do every time a build an upload
page I forgot to add the enctype attribute to the form so I got the
error telling me so. Now I went in added it back in and submit the page.
The same error is returned to me. The action page is not seeing that the
page has been updated to include the enctype attribute.

I say ok fine it's some how caching the page. I don't have any caching
code in my site yet and trusted cache is turned off. I made text display
change to see if the page is being updated and it is, I also viewed the
HTML source of the page and the enctype attribute is included.

CFML errors are emailed to me by my site wide error template that is set
in the CF admin. This file sits in my web root. My site directory is


I'm using CFMX 6.1, Windows 2000 Server, IIS 5 with all the latest
patches and updates.

I have also tried removing the generated class files and restarting the
CFMX services. This isn't the first time that this has happened. It
happens periodically on minor page changes. After awhile it starts

Anyone have any ideas?
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