reading a blog about MAX (Ben's I beleive) it was mentioned that the next
version of CF would be using flash for these tags (CFGRID and CFTREE) rather
than java


-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Root [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 8, 2004 13:54
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CFGrid, CFForm and other cf tags that use applets

> Have any of you heard that Macromedia will be dropping CFGrid and other
> that are applet based (cfslider, cfselect, etc.  even CFFORM!) in future
> versions?

CFFORM and CFSELECT are most certainly *NOT* based on applets, nor could
I fathom them ever going away, as long as CFML is alive.

I wouldn't be surprised though to see the actual applet-based ones go
away like CFSLIDER< CFGRID, CFTREE, etc...

  - Rick
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