The scenario you describe should work if *all* of the frames, etc are coming
from the same host (and have the same domain name... it's not an IP address
thing). Maybe you should turn on IE's warnings for cookies so at least
you'll know why it rejecting your current cookies, in case it is unrelated
to p3p...

Yeah, the privacy vs functionality conflict is a tough one.  Unfortunately
you cannot have one site "bless" another site via p3p... if you could then
search engines would bless and banner ad tracking would work
again. (I use that example when I think of this problem because it reminds
me to think of the 3rd party as someone I don't like!)  If the two sites are
really friendly with each other then you could decide to change your host
name to be in the same domain of the other site (or the other way around)...
I think that would keep you out of the "third party category".


-----Original Message-----
From: Thane Sherrington [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 2:02 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: P3P ready cookies

At 01:08 PM 1/13/04 -0500, Gaulin, Mark wrote:
>Ok, so your page is from a "third party" because the host or domain (I
>forget which) in the url that the user sees in his Location bar doesn't
>match the host in the request to your page.  You may find that you cannot
>get a non-session cookie to stick in that case since, as a third party, you
>are treated like a banner ad aggregator (for example), and no one wants
>those guys to be able to track them.

That was the case originally, but then I moved the pages in the frame to
the same site, and the problem still occurs.  (The frame files are in a
different folder, but surely that's not an issue.)  But if I do want to
call files from another site, couldn't I set up a compact privacy policy
for the other site that would cover cookies set from that site?

I'm all for privacy, but this is insane.


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