At 12:46 PM 1/15/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>Can you post the error you are getting please?
>Dan Phillips
>866.239.4678 x112

The connection to the data source failed. Check the following to resolve
this problem:
    * Are the data source settings configured properly?
    * Did you provide valid security information in the data source settings ?
    * For some databases the ColdFusion Server may need to be logged in
under a special NT account rather than the default System Account. Use the
Windows NT Services Control Panel to change the account the ColdFusion
Server service is using.

This is the cut and paste error I get.

Someone else on the list asked if I could connect to the sql 2000 on the
2k3 box from another machine.
The answer is yes.  Using the same permissions I'm trying to use in the CF
admin, I can connect from my workstation to the 2k3 server through
Enterprise Manager, Query Analyzer, and can create a system ODBC through
the admin tool in XP.
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