Hi Dave
Its the "once the files have been run once" part that stinks.  If I were
implemeting a cache and there was a way to disable the cache I would also
cause that to flush the cache.  Or at least provide some other way to do it.
Then we'd all be happy.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 10:50 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: How do you clear cache in CFMX?

> > > <cfobjectcache> and <cfcache> aren't the solution for what
> > > I'm talking about. The problem is that the CF Application
> > > Server has trusted cache enabled. I do this because its too
> > > slow for it to continually read the source code off of the
> > > shared drive it lives on. Sometimes I come up with updates
> > > to my application. With the server running, I want to be
> > > able to say.. "Dear ColdFusion, please do not stop running
> > > but simply reparse and recomplie all of my lovely CFM files
> > > because I have updated a bunch of them." I found a PPT slide
> > > show by Charlie Arehart which explains that there is a batch
> > > file that can precompile the CFM templates but I would prefer
> > > to have the CF appliation software recompile all templates if
> > > I want it to so that source code updates are reflected...
> >
> > To get the effect you're describing, you can simply disable
> > trusted cache until all of the files have been run once.
> The feature he wants to entirely reasonable and logical. I
> hope MM adds something to make this possible in the future.

I must be missing something, then. As far as I can tell, the feature is
already present. You can currently disable trusted cache in the CF
Administrator. If you want to do that programmatically, I'm sure it's
possible with a little work.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
http://www.figleaf.com/ <http://www.figleaf.com/>
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