Can someone else try running this little bit of code please:

<cfset variables.newQ = querynew("col1")>
<cfset queryaddrow(variables.newQ)>
<cfset querysetcell(variables.newQ, "col1", "Thu 29 Jan")>
<cfdump var="#variables.newQ#">
<cfquery name="variables.testQoQ" dbtype="query">
    SELECT * FROM newQ
<cfdump var="#variables.testQoQ#">

If I run it on my window dev box, it works fine.  If I run it on a linux
dev box (RedHat 8), it works fine.  If I run it on a live box (RedHat
7.3) it fails on the QoQ saying :

Query Of Queries runtime error.
Can't convert the string Thu 29 Jan to java type DATE

All three boxes are running 6.1.

Any ideas?


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