Morning all...

If anyone's still intested in taking part in the CF_CodingContest then
you're running out of time!  Entries are due by this afternoon, 4pm GMT.  So
far I've had (quick count) 23 entries...

Full details here: + the original mail is
copied below.


Try the ColdFusion Coding Contest!  Current contest:
Maze Solver -
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tim Blair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 15 January 2004 15:56
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Fancy a ColdFusion Challenge?
> Right you 'orrible lot...
> For any of you that read my blog at
> (so that'll be, oh, no-one...) you will have seen yesterday
> that I've been putting together a ColdFusion Coding Contest,
> and the first challenge has been posted at
> Your task - given a text-based 2D maze, find the shortest
> path out of it!
> "What's the point?" I hear you ask?  Well, there isn't one really.
> Mainly it's to give people a challenge and maybe to get
> people doing the sort of coding that they wouldn't normally
> get the chance to do during the usual mass-website-producing
> day in the office...  Also, I'm trying to convince the
> boss-man here to provide a prize...
> All information you should need is on the site including
> submission details and sample mazes to test your solver on.  
> The submission date has been set for Friday 13th Feb by 4pm
> GMT so make sure I have your entries by then!
> Just in case you missed it, the URL again:
> Happy coding!
> Tim.
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