The RDS service is started by the cfexec process, not by directly trying to
run cfrdsservice.

Did you change the user CF is running under? If so, maybe it's a permissions
issue. CF has to write two files to the /tmp directory: cfide and cfserver.
You should only see those two files if CF is running. If you stop CF and
still see either of those files, delete it and then try restarting CF.

Also, double-check and be sure RDS hasn't been disabled. Open the start
script in cf_root/bin, and find the line with su $CFUSER -c "env -i
$ENV_LIST $CFHOME/bin/cfexec". If there is a -s switch at the end of the
line, RDS has been disabled. You can re-enable it by removing that switch.


From: Haggerty, Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 2:03 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RDS Hanging on Linux

For whatever reason, RDS decided to stop working this morning on one of
my CF5 servers. It's a Red Hat 7 box with ColdFusion 5, and I am unable
to restore service despite my best efforts.

Every time I try to run ./cfrdsservice, nothing happens the service just
hangs. The RDS log itself is completely empty, and I am really at a loss
for what could be causing the problem. The server has run without a
problem for the last 6 months.

Anyways, I tried restarting the server, starting the service from the
command like, looking for it as a running process, but nothing is
working. Somebody please tell me what could cause such a problem and how
I could go about troubleshooting it.

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