On Tue, 2004-02-24 at 09:34, Won Lee wrote:
> Rob,
> I should be a little more specific.  The reason that I ask is because I
> extracted it to e:\eclipse\plugins.
> It created a directory com.rohanclan.coldfusionmx_1.1.1 and I do see the
> jar file there.
> But when i go into the configuration history and I don't see an reference
> to 1.1.1.  I do see old references to 1.0.5 though.

To use the new plug-ins you have to have eclipse 3.0M7 not 2.1.2 - I
stopped writing for version 2 as the api changed in 3 and I dont have
the man power to keep up 2 separate versions sorry :(

> Won
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