Well, why do you have the embedded <cfoutput> tags?  You don't need the
ones that are within the <cfif>

John Burns

-----Original Message-----
From: daniel kessler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 1:32 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: cfif in cfform error

Thank you, you were correct that my second <cfif> should have been a
close tag.  This was because I was wrestling with anothe problem.
Initially I had an error for a cfoutput within a cfoutput.  Because my
whole page is a cfoutput this causes some problem in that way.  
My structure is the external cfoutput, with a  cfform in it.  The cfform
has a cfif and that has a cfoutput, which makes it illegal.

--web page headers--
   -- form stuff
            --more html here (putting a big X next to an error field)--

If I put an  </cfoutput> before the cfif and then another <cfoutput>
after then that breaks the cfform.
Is the cure to having a cfoutput within a cfoutput to make it a variable
outside/before the cfoutput or am I just doing something else, plainly
obvious, wrong.

thanks - I'll get there, I swear.
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