Ben Doom wrote:

> Okay, yeah.  That's way smarter than my suggestions.  :-)
> --Ben Doom
> Nando wrote:
>>I do this kind of stuff with a Q of Q, and it works well. cfdirectory
>>returns a query.
>>Maybe try that.
>>Something like:
>><cfdirectory directory="#pDir1#" action="" name="daList">
>><cfquery name="daSortedList" dbtype="query">
>>FROM daList
>>WHERE Type = 'File'
>>AND Name Like 'les%'
>><cfset p = "#daSortedList.RecordCount#">
>>check my syntax tho' ...

Thanks to all who responded.  Nando, your solution looks most like what
we wound up doing.  Heh.

Actually, the problem I was experiencing was due to another issue
entirely.  I'll post about that in a moment.

Richard S. Crawford
Programmer III,
UC Davis Extension Distance Learning Group (
(916)327-7793 / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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