Kevin Graeme wrote:

>>I usually develop with IE on a PC, but I would really like a browser that
>>shows me the *time* taken to request each object in a web request. Also,
> if
>>it could show me the http headers of the request and response, that would
> be
>>sweet. I've currently got a page thats slow and I think its network
> latency,
>>but I'm not sure what the best tool is for timing the response. There's
> got
>>to be some good software out there for this task.
> While I prefer the Mozilla browsers and Opera technically, I find I always
> end up coming back to IE just because I have to make sure the site works for
> my 90%+ userbase. If I were to just spot test in IE I would miss something
> that I don't explicitly test for.

I've been using Firefox for close to a year (and Mozilla before that);
IE stopped being my default browser back in '01 when I realized it
didn't have the features I wanted (e.g., reliability, standards
compliance, tabbed browsing, built-in popup blocking, strict privacy
controls, etc).

There are a couple of features in FF that are absolutely essential.  The
JS console is a life safer -- much better at degugging than MS's tools.
  Also, there is an extension which will add "View this page in IE" to
the context menu, so that on the rare occasions that you do need to view
a page in IE, you can launch it straight from FF.  It's been very helpful.

Richard S. Crawford
Programmer III,
UC Davis Extension Distance Learning Group (
(916)327-7793 / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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