This TechNote should help


From: Jeff Small [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 3:22 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: SOT: "Edit" Button on IE...can you add Dreamweaver?

In my IE "Standard Buttons" menu, there's the "Edit" button. This allows you
to "edit" a webpage in certain applications (On mine, it's Notepad, Word,
and Excel...go figure). Sometimes it would be neat to "edit" or "open" a
page with this button just to see how certain things are accomplished, sort
of like viewing the source, but easier, and potentially cooler if you could
somehow add Dreamweaver to this little dropdown of apps.

However, when I go to Tools > Internet Options > Programs and look at "HTML
Editor" and only see a dropdown with those three available. Is there a trick
or any way to add "Dreamweaver" as my editor of choice?
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