A client of mine is looking to set up an ecommerce site that accepts
orders from outside the United States. More specifically, he has a large
number of clients in places like Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.
and is trying to avoid the large fees and wait times that go along with
using cashiers checks.

I have built numerous ecommerce sites for U.S. and Canadian consumers,
but have never set up a site aimed at international offices and would
like to know what kinds of issues we are going to run into. We are
planning on using Verisign for the payment processing and will be
offering users the ability to pay with credit cards but not checks or
debit cards. Outside the technology, I am concerned about things like
taxes, tariffs, actually collecting address information, etc. - all of
his orders will be for amounts in excess of $1000.

Any advice would be appreciated.

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