A few of us have been critical of the implications of poorly-performing
RIAs in general and the available Flex examples in particular.

I am particularly disappointed in the  performance of The Flex Code
Explorer showcase app:


Click Flex Code Explorer Link.

This takes about 7 seconds to load on my DSL link, then about 7 seconds
to render.

Once that is done we (assumedly) are ready for a Rich Internet
Application experience.

On the left of the screen is a (logical) frame containing a familiar
tree menu to navigate the rest of the application.

While, functional, it is one of the slowest tree menus, I've seen.

To contrast this RIA experience, I brought up the CFMX Administrator
and the CFMX Docs -- it includes a PIA version of a tree menu.

It is interesting to use these 2 (the RIA and the PIA) side by side --  
the PIA wins hands down in speed and crispness and, yes "Richness" of
the user experience,

Why is this so -- the RIA system (Flex and Flash) have been designed to
address this specific component of a web application?

Why is the PIA useful and the RIA, well... let's just say that I would
be embarrassed to show it to a client.

I am all for RIAs -- they will be the norm in the long run.   But we've
got a ways to go...

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