
Prolly a  wrong number of #s  thing -- comment out the lines within the
loop to see which one is the offender



On Apr 1, 2004, at 6:29 AM, Tony Weeg wrote:

> here is the error....btw.
>  error.Message:Context validation error for tag cfloop.
>  error.Diagnostics:Context validation error for tag cfloop. The start
> tag
>  must have a matching end tag. An explicit end tag can be provided by
> adding
>  </cfloop>. If the body of the tag is empty you can use the shortcut
> <cfloop
>  .../>.
>  The CFML compiler was processing:
>  The body of a cfoutput tag beginning on line 20, column 10.
>  The body of a cfoutput tag beginning on line 20, column 10.
>  The error occurred on line -1.
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 9:24 AM
>  To: CF-Talk
>  Subject: why? cfloop error
>  hi.
>  getting a cfloop context error....any ideas why?
>  thanks!!!!
>  <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="Yes">
>  <cfquery datasource="#reportsDSN#" name="ReportWriter">
>  select * from test
>  </cfquery>
>  <cffile action="" file="test.csv" output="OneColumn"
>  nameconflict="OVERWRITE">
>  <cfsavecontent variable="dataToCSV">
>  <cfoutput query="reportWriter">
>  <cfif reportWriter.NewEvent EQ 0>
>  #reportWriter.oneColumn##Chr(13)##Chr(10)#
>  <cfelse>
>  <cfquery name="eventGrabber"
>  datasource="#reportsDSN#">
>  select anotherColumn from test
>  </cfquery>
>  #theOtherColumn##Chr(13)##Chr(10)#
>  <cfloop query="eventGrabber">
>  ,#eventGrabber.endOfMyRope##Chr(13)##Chr(10)#
>  </cfloop>
>  </cfif>
>  </cfoutput>
>  </cfsavecontent>
>  <cffile action="" file="test.csv" output="#dataToCSV#">
>  ...tony
>  tony weeg
>  senior web applications architect
>  navtrak, inc.
>  410.548.2337
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