FYI: The kind folks at New Atlanta provided the following info:

BlueDragon 6.1 does not contain the MySQL jar because of licensing restrictions.  Therefore you need to download the jar and install it into the <BDroot>/lib directory as the file "mysql.jar".  Restart BlueDragon Server and all will be well :-)

> I've got Blue Dragon 3.x running on RedHat 7.3.  It works well with
> MySQL Datasources. I just installed Blue Dragon 6 (Beta) on Mandrake 9.
> 2... seems to work well except I keep getting General SQL error when I
> try to create a MySQL datasource.  There are no problems with MySQL...
> I'm able to connect to my DB in terminal and GUI - MySQLCC. Wondered
> if anyone has run Blue Dragon on a Mandrake distro b4... trying to
> figure out whether my problem is Mandrake / Blue Dragon 6, combo of
> these or something else entirely.
> BTW: I posted this in the general CF-Talk but find that this is a more
> appropriate thread... apologies for the cross-post.
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