Yes, Andre -- and thanks to your prior response to this thread for
suggesting XUL

  On Apr 5, 2004, at 10:07 AM, Andre Turrettini wrote:

  > Check out xul.  You can write an application in and write a delimited
  > file
  >  to the harddrive each time someone enters their email.  Its kind fo
  > an xml
  >  _javascript_ approach to writing web apps.  Similar to the approach
  > used by
  >  longhorn and breeze.  Its got a pretty sick grid bult in.  I dont
  > think its
  >  much harder than using the hta and fso in ie and when the computer
  >  eventually connected, just upload it to your cf or php
  > server.  requires
  >  mozilla but that should be ok on a mac.

I don't yet understand all I know about it, but I like what I see.

It gives you much more control of the DOM than DHMTL ever did, and it
works predictably.  Coding XUL is different, but not much more
difficult than HTML --- though a better tutorial would help.

Tags are XML so they are more verbose than HTML, but that should be
offset by fewer, more powerful tags.

One thing I really like is that the developer has complete control of
the entire page real estate.  We are not limited to a fixed portion of
the page for a Java Applet or Flash Movie (Though we can contain these
and html too, if desired).

I guess that we as developers have another option for developing
platform-independent RIAs and RIDs (Rich Interface Desktop


On Apr 6, 2004, at 8:06 AM, Andre Turrettini wrote:

> potent stuff isnt it?  Kinda makes you rethink application design and
> chucks
>  out the window the need to learn flash to make a ria.
>  DRE
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: Dick Applebaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 4:31 AM
>  To: CF-Talk
>  Subject: Re: desktop application
>  I have been googling and playing with XUL for several hours and I am
>  impressed with what it (you) can do.
>  XUL has been out there for a while --- guess I just missed it.
>  Here's a start (a little dated):
>  XUL is a framework for creating  a UI and writing application
> programs.
>  These programs can be launched and run from a local hard disk or from
> a
>  web server (or both)
>  XUL is platform independent -- anywhere Mozilla runs, XUL runs
>  XUL provides a consistent UI and program execution
>  The above 2 points are similar to Flash advantages
>  A XUL program can read and write (with user permission) to the local
>  file system.
>  A XUL program can (by itself) consume web services.
>  There are XUL  extensions that can directly interface a local SQL
>  database (currently Postgres and MySQL)
>  There are XUL extensions that can execute local programs and scripts
> in
>  C++, Python, Ruby and Perl, with PHP coming -- these are
>  programs/scripts running on the local machine
>  So, I guess it is possible, today, to write a desktop application to
>  meet the objectives of the originator of this thread:
>  You can easily write an XUL app that:
>      1) Runs on the desktop
>      2) Allows people to enter their email addresses (a simple form)
>      3) Saves it (the data from each form submission) to a [local] text
>  or XML file
>      4) Uploads the file to web server and parsed into the database
>  In the near future, you should have the option of parsing the data
> with
>  a local php program and storing the data in a local database -- this
>  would allow data validation, check for duplicates, etc.
>  Actually, you can do this now using a combination of _javascript_ and
>  extensions.  But, it will be easier with PHP.
>  What would really be nice if you could use CFMX as the local scripting
>  language and db interface... yeah, that would really be nice...
>  HTH
>  Dick
>    >  From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    >  Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 2:58 PM
>    >  To: CF-Talk
>    >  Subject: SOT: desktop application
>    >
>    >  I have a question about what the best practice would be for
>  creating a
>    >  desktop application.  I do websites for some different bands, and
>  they
>    >  all have an e-mail sign-up on their website.  Most of them also
> have
>    >  some kind of a paper sign-up at concerts for people to sign up
> for
>  the
>    >  email list.  I was considering building an app that would run on
> a
>    >  desktop to allow people at concerts to enter their email address
> and
>    >  write it to a text or xml file that could then be uploaded to the
>    >  webserver and parsed into the database.
>    >
>    >  My question is what would be the best method to do this?  I was
>    > thinking
>    >  of doing the front end in Flash but I'm not sure how to write to
> a
>    > file
>    >  from there.  In theory, this app would need to work on a mac and
> a
>  pc.
>    >  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
>    >
>    >  John Burns
>    >
>    >    _____
>    _____
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