Hello all,

I am starting a new project that will require some fairly heavy Flash /
CF integration including but not limited to: visual display of data
stored in a database, insertion of data into a database supplied in
Flash forms, a complete security model that requires not only
authentication but user level access restrictions (role based model). I
just ready the article on Macromedia DevNet about the various options
for developing RIAs (Remoting, Web Services, XML) and am having a bit of
a hard time deciding which route to pursue. Are there any RIA specific
mailing lists etc that anyone can recommend. Additionally can anyone
here point me in the right direction? I am a complete rookie when it
comes to Flash but have nearly 7years of CF experience so the CF
concepts are easy to grasp for me, im just sort of a bit inundated with
the Flash portion. If anyone has any suggestions on where to get started
they would be greatly appreciated. I picked up "Macromedia Flash MX
Profession 2004 for Server Geeks" and it seems like an excellent book,
but if anyone has any other suggestions that would fit well within the
project described above I would really appreciate it.

Thanks everyone,

Looking forward to seeing any feedback.


[ application developer ]

4 Guys Interactive, Inc.

281.807.4344 x1716
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