Hello all,

I am having a serious problem with my CFCs in our server environment and
was wondering if anyone can shed some light on this for me.

Our server environment is set up to be a shared hosting environment for
quite a few clients per server.

The servers have essentially 2 partitions. The install Drive for apps
etc (C:\) which is where Cold Fusion is INSTALLED.

The other partition (E:\) is for storing all our sites etc. The IIS
webroot is at E:\data\published\wwwroot\ and CF is instructed of this
location at install time and works just fine. To get to our CF
administrator we simply go to
sevrername.ourmaindomainname.com/cfide/administrator. Then we have
actual separate "web sites" setup in IIS to handle other domains. This
all seems pretty straight forward to me.

However, whenever I try to navigate TO a cfc in a browser to see it's
makeup in the CFCExplorer like im supposed to be able to, I get this
message. . .

File not found: /CFIDE/componentutils/cfcexplorer.cfc

Furthermore the remoting project I am currently working on is throwing
errors in this environment, I get this error:

-------- Remoting Error ---------


Service threw an exception during method invocation: No service named
venue.chapter08 is known to Flash Remoting MX.


I am sure this is related to the same problem.

Just for grins I setup CF and IIS on my local machine all with default
paths etc and am able to get remoting and the CFC browser to work
correctly. However, the way the site is setup on my machine is a bit
different. All I did was setup the site as a virtual directory so
technically it lives at the same virtual path as the CF Admin and all
the CF Utils (such as the CFC Explorer).

But, I refuse to believe that there isn't some way around this for
shared hosting environments.

If anyone can shed some light on this that would be greatly appreciated.
I have been wracking my brain trying to get this issue solved to no
avail. Someone else out there must have had similar experiences and im
hoping will be able to give me the easy answer =)

Thanks everyone,


[ application developer ]

4 Guys Interactive, Inc.

281.807.4344 x1716
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