There is a Jakarta project called POI that is making java objects that can create all different types of office documents.  Se it here: <>

Timothy Heald
Web Portfolio Manager
Diplomatic Security
U.S. Department of State

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-----Original Message-----
From: Hagan, Ryan Mr (Contractor ACI) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 1:52 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Writing formatted data to Excel


I know that MS has kept .xsl files proprietary, but I was wondering if
anyone knew any tricks for spitting out some formatted data into Excel.
Basically, I really just want to set the format to a column as "currency".
I can dump a TAB delimited file from CFMX just fine into Excel, but that
extra little bit of formatting would be REALLY nice.  Anyone?  Thanks!

Ryan Hagan
ph: 540-731-3588
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