> They also only talked about the general functionality of CF. There are so
> many built in functions in CF that I think we all take for granted because
> they've been in there so long. Things like manipulating lists, queries,
> dates, display formatting. The list of CF's *real development benefits,
> IMHO, is huge. But these things are never discussed in comparisons with
> other languages.

When comparing CF to classic ASP, this was true. However, the .Net framework
provides a much richer environment. You're no longer limited so a small
number of VBScript or JScript functions. To a certain extent, you can
achieve this in CF with Java. However, CF's Java support is relatively
shallow. Additionally, it requires knowing a second, much more complicated
language. In contrast, VB, Jscript, and C# are all first class .Net
languages. You can utilize just about anything in the .Net framework.

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