I placed the error template in the CFIDE folder. This has a Mapping in the

I change his file to <cfparam name="Application.erroremailsto" default="">
instead of CFSET

I changed the CFSET AdminEmail to My Email address

And the mail tag to

<cfmail bcc="#Variables.AdminEmail#" from="#Variables.AdminEmail#"
to="#Application.erroremailsto#" subject="An error has been encountered on
Webo3" type="html">#Variables.myErrorPage#</cfmail>

Then in the clients Application File I put

<cfset Application.erroremailsto = "THERE EMAIL">

I set the Site-Wide error handler and the missing template handler to
/CFIDE/_error.cfm in the Admin.

Now I get BCC's on all errors on the server and they get all the errors.

If anyone can see a potential problem please let me know.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan F. Hogan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 9:15 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: good error.cfm template

Can you show how you did this. I just tried and it doesn't work. How did
you get the application variables to pull from the global error template
page set in the admin?

> Global error handler
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