Hi Jeremy,
I had built a online hotel reservation system long time back for this site
please check it at
http://www.bestinnhotel.com <http://www.bestinnhotel.com/>   this one has it
sown admin to block the dates and room type and all that fun stuff and the
other one is http://www.lodgingdepot.com <http://www.lodgingdepot.com/>
which is also a hotel site but works with hotels.com XML interface.
Ketan patel


From: Jeremy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 2:04 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: hotel reservation systems

Anyone have an apps out there for making hotel reservations? I need
something that does it all pretty much. So people can see what rooms are
open, bed types, times, all that. A comany I am looking at wants to
totally upgrade there reservation system, and whatever it is needs a web
side for web reservations and must work with there internal system,
whatever it maybe. So if there is somethign like that for both the
internal hotel desktop app and web app that would be great. If not any
pointers you have would be good. I don't know where to start looking

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