
I'm playing around with creating a couple of simple web services, but as
soon as I add more than one function to a component, I seem unable to
invoke the second function and get the error message 'Web service
operation "myDocTitle" with parameters {5024} could not be found. ' but
it works fine if I invoke the first function I created "getDocTitle".

I've tried cycling the CF service and removing the webservice from CF
admin but nothing seems to work.

What am I missing ?!!

Any help would be much appreciated (code snippets below),


For info the cfc code is:

<cfcomponent >
   <cffunction name="getDocTitle" access="remote" returntype="string">
    <cfargument name="DocumentID" type="numeric"
<cfquery name="qry_getDoc" datasource="#request.dsn#">
SELECT DocumentTitle FROM tblDocument
WHERE DocumentID = <cfqueryparam
cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#arguments.DocumentID#">
   <cfreturn "testing: " & qry_getDoc.DocumentTitle>
   <cffunction name="myDocTitle" access="remote" returntype="string">
    <cfargument name="DocumentID" type="numeric"
<cfquery name="qry_getDoc" datasource="#request.dsn#">
SELECT DocumentTitle FROM tblDocument
WHERE DocumentID = 5024
   <cfreturn qry_getDoc.DocumentTitle>

And the invoking code is:

DocumentID = 5024;
ws =
testvar = ws.myDocTitle(DocumentID);
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