Your code modified a little.
Works on IE 6.0.

<cfloop from="1" to="5" index="x">
  <tr><td><a href="" return false;">Company #x#</a></td></tr>

<table style="display:none;" id="tbl#x#"> .... trimmed off .. #x# .... </table>


<SCRIPT language="_javascript_">

//initialize to some unused value
var currentElement = '0';

function toggleDrillDown(x){

//return if clicking the same element
if(x == currentElement){
//if different element and current element !=0 hide current element
else if (currentElement != '0'){
document.getElementById(currentElement).style.display = 'none';   

//set the currentElem to this
currentElement = x;

//now unhide the new element.
    document.getElementById(x).style.display = 'block';

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