I'm in the middle of trying to track down a cfmail issue that is causing a
few messages to randomly get stuck in the undeliverable folder. I fear that
CFmail may be avalanching my mail server with messages when doing a large
mail list send.

Anyway while on the phone with a support rep for the mail server software I
realized that I really did not know how the specifics on how cfmail works
with a mail server and could not answer his questions. So, I thought I would
ask the list, someone is sure to know.

What I am looking is what exactly happens after the message is spooled into
the spool folder. What are the steps taken by CFmail to get the message to
the mail server?

A few of the questions I would like answered are:

-How many messages does CF take at one time from the spool? Can that be

-Does CF open a new connection on the mail server per message? Or do the
messages go out in a serial fashion?

-Is there a white paper on this?

FYI I am running CFMX 6.1.  I know that the .1 version had massive upgrades
to cfmail.

Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
  Vivid Media
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