
yeah - me neither (dropping it)... plus I get so dang pompous when I'm arguing - it's not a side of me I like <g>.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Rick Root [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 2:41 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: Message Board

  Mark A. Kruger - CFG wrote:

  > Ah..... I see your point - although anyone who has done any business
  > with Sun Micro might bridle at the thought that the
  > main purpose of their "free" psuedo open-source java project is to
  > benefit the world in general without a thought to
  > profit. And let's not forget all those "enterprise" applications out
  > there that run on Java for thousands of dollars per
  > CPU a year - should they all be free because Java is free?  Apache is
  > another story.  

  Oh I'm in no way saying that everythin should be free.  I'm just glad
  there is some good quality FREE stuff out there.  Ther eare, of course,
  distandvantages.. I'm experiencing one of those disadvantages right now
  with JasperReports, in that there is no support, and the mailing list
  for it is completely inactive... no responses to my questions.

  I'll let this one drop for now since this whole discussion doesn't
  really belong here anyway, and I really don't feel like taking it up
  elsewhere :)

    - Rick
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