My client's access there log files and reports through our control panel.

I have a Sandbox setup to run the scripts for the control panel (Not all my
Clients have CF and other scripting tools)

I do not change the name IIS assigns to the logfile folder only the path.

   ---- Archives
   -------- 20040617 (One for each Report/Archive)
   ---- Reports
   -------- 20040617 (One for each Report/Archive)
   ---- Logfiles
   -------- W3SVC*
IN my Control panel I have a virtual directory setup to point to the Reports
Folder. Each Sunday a new Report is created and the old is Archived along
with the logfiles. Each Archive is listed and I use CFFILE to retrieve Raw
LogFiles into a Textarea field.

Everything Is ran out of the database (RootPath, LogFilePath,
LogFileDirectory, domains and so on) and Cold Fusion Generates the report
each Sunday using Funnel Web Analyzer.

So I do not have away to automate the setup completely as I have to manually
enter the logfileDirectory. So I am pretty close.

Rick Eidson
Partner & CTO
ArcRiver Technology, LLC
ASP, PHP, PERL, Cold Fusion Hosting Kansas City <>

Kansas City Musicians <>
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