There is no way to do this from a browser (unless you use ActiveX,
possibly - I've never tried it) , for very valid security reasons

Can you imagine the security risks if it was possible to craft a HTML
document that would automatically force-launch a downloaded document in
an external application ?


OK, lemme give you a for instance -

I have a word document on my web server

In that word document is a VBA macro

In that macro is code that sets your IE bookmarks, your homepage, and
your Active Desktop to a given url.

What if I set that URL to some really nasty hardcore kiddie sado-porn

What if I then followed that code with some more code to auto-launch a
browser window?

What if I then followed that code with some other code to capture the
desktop image, and mail it along with a list of your favourites, to, and every other email address I find on your PC?

And what if i put some code to auto-download and force-launch that
document into one of my web pages?

OK, that may be a bit over-convoluted, let's try a simpler example -

The way you normally launch a document in a stand-alone application is
by executing the application's .exe file with the document title as the
first command line parameter.

e.g. Start->Run-> "iexplore.exe"

What if I ran "FORMAT.COM C: /X" ?

Hope that's a bit clearer

Sorry if I'm a bit grouchy today, I'm still hurting after that damn
Swiss referee last night....grrr.....

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