You are describing two related Netscape technologies: LiveScript became
_javascript_, and Netscape built an early push system based on its
server-side _javascript_/LiveScript technology.

I was working - with little to show for it - with the Netscape SuiteSpot
server-side technology when I heard about CF.  I saw a demo of 1.5, then
ran out and got a copy of the newly minted 2.0.  I completed the project
that I had been working on for two months in two weeks, and the rest, as
they say, is history.

Now, I could do it with CFMX and Dreamweaver in about two hours or less.

Cary Gordon
The Cherry Hill Company

>Dick Applebaum wrote:
>1) didn't Netscape have a flaver of _javascript_ that supported push
>technology -- called "LiveScript"?
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