Hi Mike,

Yes, I have a mapping set up to mycomponents.

I can create an instance of the CFC in the web service method, no
problem. If I do:

<cfcomponent displayname="Person Web Service Component">


            <cffunction name="viewPerson" returntype="string"

                        <cfargument name="intItemID" type="numeric"
required="true" />


                                    objPerson = CreateObject(
"component", "mycomponents/person" );



                                    objPerson =
objPerson.viewPersonByID( arguments.intItemID );


                                    //return objPerson;


                        <cfreturn "personid #arguments.intItemID#" />



Then it works fine, no errors, and returns the string.

But if I uncomment the return objPerson line and change the returntype
to mycomponents.person, or mycomponents/person, or /mycomponents/person,
or anything similar, I get the the "UnresolvedCFCDatatype" exception.


Do you have a CF Mapping setup pointing to mycomponents/ ?

Then you can access the component in the ws by calling something like

var oFoo = CreateObject("Component", "mycompents.mycfc");


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