Yeah, I'm gonna have to go through template by template and add cfaborts.
Test run the loop, check the ram usage and continue until I find the
problem I guess.  I'm just wondering if this is normal or not? Should
memory usage increase like this when no new data is being stored in the
application scope and nothing is being cached. Why does the memory
increase? Or is this an indication of some sort of memory leak or bad
coding somewhere leading to this climbing memory usage. Can anyone tell me
before I start going through this thing template by template?


At 12:25 PM 7/23/2004, you wrote:
>Any chance of taking portions out of the form handler one at a time?
>Does debugging clue you in on anything?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Brook Davies [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 3:09 PM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: CFMX memory usage on specific page request
>I run a web application that handles many form submissions through the
>same 'form handler' series of templates.
>My application quickly grows to 850 megs memory usage and I have been
>trying to figure out where that memory is being used.
>Yesterday, I put my form submission handler template in a loop to 100
>and I watched the memory grow as soon as it finished by about 100 megs.
>I ran it again, for another 100, and it grew by another 100.
>What I want to know is, should this happen? The form submission handler
>does not cache any queries or add any data to the application scope. Why
>does it simply repeated use add to the ram usage? The series of
>templates executed includes a number of calls to application scopes
>CFC's and a couple that are not in the application scope. There is a
>custom tag and a call to the CFX_imsMail tag to send mail. A UDF library
>is also includes on each request. But I'm stumped as to why each time it
>runs it eats up more and more memory. Is this normal? Or is there
>something in this stack of templates that is misbehaving?
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