Hi Dave,

Sorry this was a cut and paste issue, my tag does use https://
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Dave Watts
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 4:31 PM
  Subject: RE: CFHTTP

  > I have never used CFHTTP before,and I am running in to an
  > issue.  I would like to retrieve information from a form on a
  > remote server.  If I simple do this in IE .
  > https://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/search.cgi?name=searc
  > hname&number=123&search=all
  > This returns the proper information in my browser.
  > So I tried this in CF
  > <cfhttp
  > name="username"
  > password="password"
  > method="get"
  > url=""
  > resolveurl="yes"></cfhttp>
  > <cfoutput>
  >    #cfhttp.FileContent# </cfoutput>
  > But I get the following error  
  >       The column name "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//IETF//DTD
  > HTML 2.0//EN>" is invalid.  
  >       Column names must be valid variable names. They must
  > start with a letter and can only include letters, numbers,
  > and underscores.  
  > I don't really understand how columns work. I would just like
  > to display that page or save it to a variable.
  > How do I deal with columns with CFHTTP?

  I'm not sure what exactly you're getting back, but your first URL uses
  HTTPS, while your CFHTTP tag isn't. You must specify the entire URL within
  the CFHTTP tag (https://...)

  Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
  phone: 202-797-5496
  fax: 202-797-5444
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