I tried applicaion variables, but as Hugo pointed out since the queries will be different for each user (using different keywords), and the refinement/paging would be per user, the session
scope would make sense?

I don't know where to go from here. Its getting all messy and confusing. All I want to do is, store the results returned by a query somewhere in memory so that if the search returns more than 100 records (100 records are displayed per page), when the 'next' button is clicked.. instead of running the query/stored procedure again.. just get the information from the memory variable.

The search form contains a lot of form elements and on form submit (onSubmit()), I call a _javascript_ function and pass all the form elements in url variables to the search results page which contains the cfquery code I posted in my first thread. What I'm getting at is, I want to store the search results somewhere in memory (session scope or whatever but not application scope). But if the user does another search (and the previous search results already exist in memory), I want to delete everything in this memory variable and store the results returned by the new search in this variable. I hope I'm making sense.

I'll really appreciate if somebody could just either post the code but its not necessary

best regards,
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