I use cfexecute to run a script that stops the k2 service, then use cf to delete the collection, and then use another script to restart the service.  It sucks but it works most of the time (but not 100%).


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Berg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 10:18 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Deleting a Verity Collection (K2-Related Problem)

I can delete the directory manually on the server without rebooting it or stopping the service, but I am unable to delete it programmatically, this is where my problem lies.  I need to be able to delete the collection programmatically with no backend intervention.

Thanks for the ideas.  This makes me think about the lock file.  In the collection a file named collectn.lck exists...but when I delete it manually, the collection still throws an error when I try to delete it via <cfcollection>.  

Any more ideas?  Thanks again.


>I've not used K2, but...
>In Verity on Windows, I've seen problems where a file gets locked by a
>CF thread and then is never released.  Therefore, it can't be deleted.
>Rebooting the box fixes it for me, though there may be a less drastic
>Once you've unlocked the file, you can delete the files manually (since
>the registration should have been removed).
>Chris Berg wrote:
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