
I am not saying that your input is worthless, but I think it is a good
developer's duty to make a case for more efficient ways to do things.  From
what I gathered of the initial post, nothing was set in stone.  Given that,
I can't in good conscience agree with most of the methods put forth when,
based on my experience with caching in my own applications, they aren't the
most efficient given the current situation.  I am open to debate the methods
I offered if someone thinks they aren't good methods, or if someone has an
idea they think is better.

I think in these types of situations that the developer should lead the
client in matters of efficiency, as long as no required functionality falls
by the wayside in the process.


-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Haskell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 12:28 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: The search is killing the server. Please help!

I don't disagree with you andy, 5000 results does sound completely
rediculous. But the fact of the matter is if someone wants to do this,
then I'll give my input on how I think it should be done. I am not one
to refuse to give helpful insight on how to accomplish a task just
becuase I think it is a bad idea to do the task the proposed way. But
yes I agree we limit our searh results to 501. If 501 reusults are
returned we suggest refining the search to our users.

Adam H

On Fri, 30 Jul 2004 11:02:19 -0400, Andrew Tyrone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I fail to see why a lot of these ideas are even necessary in this case.
> records returned number about 5000.  NO ONE is going to page through all
> 5000 records.  This is what the search filters are for.  Just return the
> 20, 50, 100 records ordered by whatever your business rules require ONLY
> there is no search criteria entered.  IF there is search criteria entered,
> then you can return a varied result set based on the entered criteria.
> Caching 5000 records in an indeterminate amount of sessions is not a good
> idea.  Furthermore, caching in the application scope would keep wiping out
> the cached query, unless every user is searching for the same exact
> (highly unlikely).
> Another idea using the application scope would be to cache the full 5000
> records and then use query of query for specific searches, which you
> wouldn't cache as they'd be narrowed down by the user-entered criteria.
> Andy
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